St. Matthew’s gathers in worship each Sunday at 11:00 am with Eucharist. We also have adult Sunday School at 9:15 am. We know that visiting a church for the first time can be uncomfortable. However, having an idea of what to expect can help. To learn more about worshiping at St. Matthew’s, feel free to explore below. Our FAQ section may also help answer some of your questions. We are currently sharing our building space with St. Christopher Episcopal Church, and sometimes we have joint worship together.
Online Worship
St. Matthew’s 11:00 am Sunday service is worshiping in person; wearing a face mask is optional. We are live-streaming this service, which you can view on the Watch page.
Finding St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church
St. Matthew’s is located at the corner of Granbury Road and Welch, about 1 mile south of Interstate 20 in southwest Fort Worth. Look for the steeple!
What to Expect in Worship
There are two essential elements to every Sunday service: Word (the gospel and sermon) and Sacraments (communion). Our worship is liturgical, which is a fancy way of saying we follow a pattern. You can expect to find people with a warm smile, a friendly handshake and best of all directions to the restroom.
Meet Our Pastor and Staff
St. Matthew’s is blessed with a passionate and dedicated pastor and staff. Our pastor and staff, together with congregational members, plan and execute God’s mission and ministry with and for our community and beyond.
Next Steps
St. Matthew’s is so much more than Sunday mornings. Find out how you can get more involved in the mission and ministry of St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church!
We are Lutheran
We are a part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. To dig deeper into what that means for us as a church click the learn more link.