What is your Sunday morning schedule?
We gather in worship each Sunday at 11:00 am. During the academic year (September-May), we have an adult education hour 9:15-10:15 am, after which there is time for fellowship. Children are welcome to attend the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Sunday School class at 10:45 am, where they can learn age-appropriate Bible lessons during the 11:00 am worship service. The Good Shepherd class is taught by members of St. Christopher Episcopal Church, which is currently sharing our building space.
Occasionally, St. Matthew’s goes “on the road” on Sunday morning to a different location. This will happen on January 19 when we will be worshiping with Grace Lutheran Church at 7900 McCart.
Does it matter how I dress?
Our goal in worship is to encounter God through Word and Sacrament; it doesn’t matter how you dress. Come as you are, prepared to worship!
Am I welcome?
All are welcome! Lutherans believe that all people, regardless of any distinguishing factors, are children of God. Lutherans believe that all people, regardless of any distinguishing factors, are children of God.
Are my Children Welcome?
Of course, children are always welcome! For your convenience, we have a staffed nursery available for those 4 and younger. You are also more than welcome to bring your children with you into worship, squirms, giggles, and all. Children’s worship bags are available in the main entrance area. At 10:45 am, and during the 11:00 worship service, children are invited to attend the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, where Bible stories are shared at their level of understanding. This is led by members of St. Christopher Episcopal Church.
Can I receive communion?
Yes! Anyone and everyone is welcome at the communion table. If your past experiences, a voice inside you, or another human being tells you that we mean everyone except you, please come to the front of line to be served first. It is our honor and privilege to serve you.
For those not physically able to come forward, please alert an usher and the sacrament will be brought to you. Grape juice and gluten-free wafers are available for those who prefer it.
Is St. Matthew’s Wheelchair Accessible?
Yes. Our building is 100% wheelchair accessible and our sanctuary is fully accommodating. We will happily strive to provide any accommodations you may need to ensure a meaningful worship experience.
What About Offering?
Yes, we take an offering. No, you don’t have to give. If you’re visiting, we don’t expect you to give at all! This is the time when those who call St. Matthew’s “home” can give back to God and God’s work.
Can I come to things other than worship?
Yes! Feel free to show up at any event you have an interest in. Check out our calendar for upcoming events.
Where is St. Matthew’s theologically?
St. Matthew’s is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. As Christians of the Lutheran flavor, we believe that each and every person — at all times and in all places — is a beloved child of God for whom God’s love and grace is freely given. You don’t need to dress up or be of a particular age, race, or sexual orientation — just bring your joy, your passion, your questions, and your struggles and join us in worship and service in God’s kingdom. Learn More