St. Matthew’s is blessed with a passionate and wonderful pastor and staff. Our pastor and staff in conjuction with members of St. Matthew’s plan and execute God’s Mission and Ministry with and for our community and beyond.

Rev. Lesley Radius
Pastor Lesley has served churches throughout the ELCA for the past 20 years. Prior to that she had a 20 year career in newspaper marketing. She completed her undergraduate degree in Marketing at UT at San Antonio and her Master of Divinity at Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. She is excited to be a part of St. Matthew’s and can’t wait to see how God will guide us to do God’s work with our hands. She hopes you will come and visit us and then decide to be a part of this inclusive and welcoming faith community. Her most favorite thing is to tell people that Jesus loves them.

Adam Frame
Adam Frame earned his Bachelor of Music Education degree from Southwestern Oklahoma State University. He has been an accomplished middle school, high school, and church director over the last decade. He has a wife, Adrienne, two sons, Peyton and Liam, and one girl, Harper.

John Wolf
John comes to us from Trinity United Methodist Church in Arlington after 16 years of service. He comes with a wealth of knowledge about organs and organ building from his position as Shop Foreman at Garland Pipe Organs. John is currently on the board of directors of the American Guild of Organists, Fort Worth Chapter.

Shirley Johnson
Shirley is a voice teacher by trade, having taught voice in public schools and privately for many years. She loves handbells and has had past experience in directing a handbell choir.

Kelly Riddle
Kelly Riddle is our Community Engagement Coordinator, linking our congregation to ministry opportunities in the community. She was raised in the ELCA and her family were founding members of Hope Lutheran in Springtown. She and her husband Dustin enjoyed raising their three children at St. Matthew’s and watching them grow in Christ.