Pastor Lesley and Vicar Trent discuss a rollercoaster as a metaphor for the events of Holy Week. An event schedule is included at the end of this video.
Power — Jesus style
The world invites us to be those that acquire power and use power for our own benefit and for our own good. Today, we learn that although the world values and rewards us when we acquire power over, Jesus invites us to Kingdom Power.
Let’s Roll
Our Sunday text reminds us that to be a follower of Jesus Christ, we are called not just to focus on our own survival, but instead to be the church and focus on God’s mission to bring God’s kingdom to earth. Each time we pray the Lord’s prayer, we ask for that to happen. We say, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done.”
Enough and more
Join us to hear how a young boy offered up two fish and five loaves of bread and Jesus was able to feed over five thousand people and even have left overs.