On Sunday, we heard a request from the Vineyard Owner and a response from the Gardener. The Vineyard Owner wanted a tree that did not produce fruit to be cut down. The gardener pleaded for more time and the opportunity to provide more nourishment and nurturing for the tree before it was cut down.
Even though, at first glance, this parable might sound like the conversation belongs at a garden center. The conversation is really about us. We, at times, do not bear the fruit of God’s love and mercy. The Bible says that the chaff will be cut down and thrown into the fire. Sounds pretty harsh.
Thanks be to God that is not the final word. Our Lord and Savior pleads on our behalf and offers us forgiveness, love and mercy—all of those things we need to bear bountiful fruit.
I pray that this week, you may receive the abundant love and nourishment of our Lord and Savior and may you bear and share the fruit of God’s love and grace as you encounter the world this week.
If you have a prayer request or a question, please contact me at pastor@stmatthews-elca.org
Pastor Lesley