What does the word extravagant mean? I asked that question of the children during our children’s time on Sunday. Their dad answered for them, “over the top.”
Think about our text this past Sunday, Mary’s anointing of Jesus was indeed “over the top.” It was pure extravagance of love that motivated Mary. She offered her gift of extravagance of expensive perfume for anointing as a thank you to Jesus for raising Lazarus, her brother.
Also, she offered the gift of anointing as a thank you to Jesus for the extravagance of love he would show to her and all people as he journeyed to the cross, to sacrifice his life for us.
Every day, we are surrounded with the extravagance of God’s love for us and for God’s world.
May we accept the extravagance of God’s love and pass it on to others. There are many Holy Week worship opportunities. Check out our Facebook page for those opportunities. I hope to see you online or in-person in worship.
If you prayer or a conversation, email me at pastor@stmatthews’elca.org.
Prayers and peace,
Pastor Lesley